best running shoes for 300 lbs image
Im joining a gym this summer so I can drop some weight before school starts again.
I dont really know what to eat...
I eat too much bread, ha ha, and not enough veggies.
Any tips on how you lost weight that might be useful to me?
Anything is great
Oh I know that feeling, I swear I go to a college where there are only 10 fat girls and I'm one of 'em. Makes me sick. Anyway, I've lost 25 lbs this past month and half. What do I do to lose that kind of weight? Simple, I eat a low low calorie diet, I don't really pay attention to carbs/fat etc,. I just keep my calories low and I go to the gym 6 days a week. I do a min of 30 mins of cardio, though now I'm doing 40 mins of cardio and I do 30 mins of strength training. Strength training is important, a lot of girls forego it because they don't want "manly" muscles, but women don't get manly muscles,unless they're taking steriods, etc,. Weight training adds the coveted tone and tone makes you look better.Ever see skinny girls who have no muscle tone? it's gross. You want to look tight and toned. Plus as you lose weight, you're going to lose muscle as well, stength training combats muscle loss and improves your health overall. Sooooo simply, cut your calories, 3500 cals cut out of your diet, will result in 1 lb lost. Make a 300-500 cal cut a day and exercise and you'll lose about 2 lbs a week, which is better then gaining 2 lbs. If you enjoy bread/pasta, etc,. by all means eat it, but just be aware of how many calories you are eating and trust me, they are more then you think. Also, don't eat out. Or eat out scarcely and it wouldn't hurt to avoid fast food all together. Drink lots of water, green tea, etc,. It'll really suck at first and honestly I think the first 3 weeks are the hardest, but after that it gets a lot easier. Take pictures of yourself in a bathing suit or something to remind yourself what you're trying to change. A picture shows us better then a mirror. I like to watch videos of thin women to motivate me or watch super active people like the people on Ninja Warrior on G4. Find inspiration. Also music helps, if you have a mp3 player or Ipod or whatever, it can make cardio so much more interesting. I HATE treadmills, because they are super boring, but music helps. Also try some cross country running, it's challenging and it's worth it. Have good shoes too. Goodluck
Oh I know that feeling, I swear I go to a college where there are only 10 fat girls and I'm one of 'em. Makes me sick. Anyway, I've lost 25 lbs this past month and half. What do I do to lose that kind of weight? Simple, I eat a low low calorie diet, I don't really pay attention to carbs/fat etc,. I just keep my calories low and I go to the gym 6 days a week. I do a min of 30 mins of cardio, though now I'm doing 40 mins of cardio and I do 30 mins of strength training. Strength training is important, a lot of girls forego it because they don't want "manly" muscles, but women don't get manly muscles,unless they're taking steriods, etc,. Weight training adds the coveted tone and tone makes you look better.Ever see skinny girls who have no muscle tone? it's gross. You want to look tight and toned. Plus as you lose weight, you're going to lose muscle as well, stength training combats muscle loss and improves your health overall. Sooooo simply, cut your calories, 3500 cals cut out of your diet, will result in 1 lb lost. Make a 300-500 cal cut a day and exercise and you'll lose about 2 lbs a week, which is better then gaining 2 lbs. If you enjoy bread/pasta, etc,. by all means eat it, but just be aware of how many calories you are eating and trust me, they are more then you think. Also, don't eat out. Or eat out scarcely and it wouldn't hurt to avoid fast food all together. Drink lots of water, green tea, etc,. It'll really suck at first and honestly I think the first 3 weeks are the hardest, but after that it gets a lot easier. Take pictures of yourself in a bathing suit or something to remind yourself what you're trying to change. A picture shows us better then a mirror. I like to watch videos of thin women to motivate me or watch super active people like the people on Ninja Warrior on G4. Find inspiration. Also music helps, if you have a mp3 player or Ipod or whatever, it can make cardio so much more interesting. I HATE treadmills, because they are super boring, but music helps. Also try some cross country running, it's challenging and it's worth it. Have good shoes too. Goodluck
Can I lose so many weight in just 3 months?
Any tricks on how to lose weight in just 3 months. I have to reach the goal by that time. Any drastic ways? I am desperate. I know cutting on my foods and exercising is a must. I ask for extra tips. Thank you ^^
It takes time to gain weight and it takes longer to lose it, so why do people ask to lose 10- 20- 40 pounds like they're in a fast food joint. Example: May I take your order? 20 lbs less an larger breast coming right up! Would you like an apple pie with that order? :0 It's recommended not to lose more than 4 pounds per month because it's dangerous to your health. I've only seen obese people (300 lbs) successfully lose large amounts of fat in a month. A person that is only overweight can not expect to lose that fast. Why? You're body is smarter than you may think, it stores fat as a source of energy for times of starvation. That's why people live in extreme environments without food survive for several days. So in a sense I'm saying the body of a 170 lbs will resist to lose weight more than a person with a 300 lbs body. That said it's not impossible. The French eat very high calorie foods yet the stay slim. Why? They eat small portions not the SUPER SIZE ME portions we Americans have been conditioned to. Don't let anybody talk you into diet pills. They are bad for your health and your pocket. It's important to learn to count calories, not every calorie but, at least a rough estimate. You need a deficit of 500 calories per day or 3500 calories per week to lose 1 pound of fat. How do u achieve this? Well either burning the calories or not eating them. Go on the net and search for Recommended Daily Allowance which will tell you how many calories you should eat depending on factors like height, weight, age and level of activity. Think of yourself as a car if u eat too much "your tank overflows" and it will show this summer at the beach, yet if u eat too little u run out of energy. So if you burned 4000 calories at the gym this week you can feel guilt-free to eat a 500 calorie treat and still lose that pound. At the end of each day after subtracting the calories u have burned or didn't eat you should be left with at least you minimum calories recommended, for energy purposes. Search for a BMI Calculator which will tell u your ideal weight, and last but not least, to keep track of your calories go to a food calorie index or buy the small calorie counting books you see at the supermarkets with this info you will understand the dynamics of losing weight. NO. u can't chose to lose body fat in a certain part of your body, your body loses fat overall. Yes, I said it. U can do 5000 sit-ups a day and if your calorie intake is too high you'll never see a six-pack abs. Why not u ask? It only takes a small amount of fat to hide the six-pack. The fastest way to lose weight is running. Jogging 1 mile (equal to 4 laps in a track) burns approximately 100 Calories. Donât start running yet. Visit a runnerâs website, they have tips for beginners and marathoners, also an eating healthy, running shoes and how to not get injured. People sometimes lose motivation and quit exercising do to boredom. Think what is it that you like, hiking, basketball, tennis, if u like martial arts donât just watch the movie, become a martial artist. You have to like your workout, to stick with it. What ever it is JUST DO IT. To the woman out there don't be afraid of weight training. It would take 10-15 years of INTENSE training and steroid injections to get like a woman body builder. Why did I go through all this trouble to learn all this. I worked in the medical field in the Navy/Marine Corps and saw some soldiers slim and others overweight. It worked for me. Good luck! :)
It takes time to gain weight and it takes longer to lose it, so why do people ask to lose 10- 20- 40 pounds like they're in a fast food joint. Example: May I take your order? 20 lbs less an larger breast coming right up! Would you like an apple pie with that order? :0 It's recommended not to lose more than 4 pounds per month because it's dangerous to your health. I've only seen obese people (300 lbs) successfully lose large amounts of fat in a month. A person that is only overweight can not expect to lose that fast. Why? You're body is smarter than you may think, it stores fat as a source of energy for times of starvation. That's why people live in extreme environments without food survive for several days. So in a sense I'm saying the body of a 170 lbs will resist to lose weight more than a person with a 300 lbs body. That said it's not impossible. The French eat very high calorie foods yet the stay slim. Why? They eat small portions not the SUPER SIZE ME portions we Americans have been conditioned to. Don't let anybody talk you into diet pills. They are bad for your health and your pocket. It's important to learn to count calories, not every calorie but, at least a rough estimate. You need a deficit of 500 calories per day or 3500 calories per week to lose 1 pound of fat. How do u achieve this? Well either burning the calories or not eating them. Go on the net and search for Recommended Daily Allowance which will tell you how many calories you should eat depending on factors like height, weight, age and level of activity. Think of yourself as a car if u eat too much "your tank overflows" and it will show this summer at the beach, yet if u eat too little u run out of energy. So if you burned 4000 calories at the gym this week you can feel guilt-free to eat a 500 calorie treat and still lose that pound. At the end of each day after subtracting the calories u have burned or didn't eat you should be left with at least you minimum calories recommended, for energy purposes. Search for a BMI Calculator which will tell u your ideal weight, and last but not least, to keep track of your calories go to a food calorie index or buy the small calorie counting books you see at the supermarkets with this info you will understand the dynamics of losing weight. NO. u can't chose to lose body fat in a certain part of your body, your body loses fat overall. Yes, I said it. U can do 5000 sit-ups a day and if your calorie intake is too high you'll never see a six-pack abs. Why not u ask? It only takes a small amount of fat to hide the six-pack. The fastest way to lose weight is running. Jogging 1 mile (equal to 4 laps in a track) burns approximately 100 Calories. Donât start running yet. Visit a runnerâs website, they have tips for beginners and marathoners, also an eating healthy, running shoes and how to not get injured. People sometimes lose motivation and quit exercising do to boredom. Think what is it that you like, hiking, basketball, tennis, if u like martial arts donât just watch the movie, become a martial artist. You have to like your workout, to stick with it. What ever it is JUST DO IT. To the woman out there don't be afraid of weight training. It would take 10-15 years of INTENSE training and steroid injections to get like a woman body builder. Why did I go through all this trouble to learn all this. I worked in the medical field in the Navy/Marine Corps and saw some soldiers slim and others overweight. It worked for me. Good luck! :)
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Title Post: Sigh. Yeah this question gets old, but those that have lost weight, got any good tips for me?
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