best running shoes crossfit
I've been skinny all my life. I'm 18, 5'9 and only 130 lbs. I was wondering that if I did crossfit if it would help me gain muscle and weight. Also how long would it take for me to see results? And is there any diet I can do to speed up weight gain? Please help, I'm starting college soon and I don't want to look like a stick.
If you don't recommend crossfit what other workout programs and diets can I use to gain muscle and weight?
Crossfit... we just opened up a can of worms.
Here is the thing with crossfit, it can be a very effective way to train if you apply common sense to it. I like that they are bringing barbell movements into the mainstream, that rocks in my opinion. I like that hard work and a good diet are two big parts of the program, instead of trying to find some silver bullet.
However there are some negatives to Crossfit.
Number one, its expensive as all hell. Seriously, the dues at some "boxes" are outrageous.
Number two, there is very little rhyme or reason to a lot of the WODS. Some of them seem like they just threw a dart at a board with exercises on it, then spun a roulette wheel for the number of reps.
Third, and this is my main concern, doing high rep Olympic movements with any kind of weight sounds like a great way to get hurt. THEN they compound the risk of injury by putting it on a timer.
And the biggest criticism I have of Crossfit is the cult like atmosphere and the smugness of crossfitters. A box opened up near me and it seems like every time I go to the store its all toe shoes, tall socks and Lulu Lemon gear. Aggravating.
Will it build some muscle on you? Sure, almost any thing will though. I think you would be better served following a more traditional strength training program, and if you insist on sprinkling in some WODS pick one or two of your favorites and do them AFTER the main strength work.
Best of luck, have fun.
There are many programs out there that will work to add muscle mass and weight. Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe and 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler are two of the big ones. Both will work, but I prefer 5/3/1. That is the program that I run, granted I bastardized it to get to my goals. You can buy the eBook off of Wendlers website, and I think there is an eBook for Starting Strength as well. As far as diet goes, at this stage in the game I think you would be better off just eating massive amounts of whatever the hell you want. Eat as clean or as dirty as you want, but remember that eventually you will need to clean up your diet to stay lean(ish).
Hope that helps.
How do I prepare myself for the marines physically and mentally?
I am planning on enlisting to the usmc.
There are a couple things you should remember about bootcamp. #1, no matter how bad you think it sucks while you are there, it really isn't that bad in the grand scheme, and, you will have an opportunity to reflect on that during you time in the Corps. The single worst thing that you can do in bootcamp is to start feeling sorry for yourself and try to quit. DON'T DO IT. You really can't quit anyway, but, if you don't even let yourself get into that kind of defeatist mindset, you will be so much the better for it. Whenever you get to a point where you feel like you're going to give, find a DI you either admire or hate (neither will be hard) and SILENTLY & GIVING NO VISIBLE INDICATION OF WHAT YOU ARE THINKING consider the fact that that SOB was sitting EXACTLY where you are once thinking exactly what you are thinking and he made it. You can too.
That said, there are quite a few things that you can do now to set yourself up for success. Train. Now. All sorts of kids go in thinking that bootcamp is going to "make" them a badass. It doesn't work that way. Bootcamp is structured to challenge everyone. The weaker you are going in the harder it will be. Google armstrong pull-up program and follow it. It works. Make the pullup your friend before you ever leave or it will be your enemy once you arrive. Every chow hall has a pullup bar outside. If you can get your 20, your golden. Make sure you practice dead-hang pulls though, you won't be able to do any of that crossfit kipping junk.
Work on your run. 18 minutes is the goal. There are guys who actually are faster, but, then, they don't need advice on how to take a running test, do they? Run for distance and time and, if possible, in boots and bad shoes. You will be required to do both.
As far as the crunches go, those should take care of themselves if you're doing the other stuff, but, make sure you can do 100 in 2 minutes.
If you smoke or dip, quit now. Much easier. Learn to eat fast. Accept the fact that food is going to be an issue. You'll be hungry. Whatever food phobias you have, get over it. In boot camp, food is food.
You are going to get yelled at. Allot. You can't take it personally, because, it isn't personal. If you have buck teeth or big ears, you're going to hear about it. Deal.
It's only 12 weeks, but its going to seem like half your life to you. Don't be the recruit that counts the training days, be the recruit that gets the most out of every training day. Write letters whenever you can and don't moan and cry. Even your parents don't want to hear you whine. Tell funny stories and people are more likely to write you back. Getting letters rocks, but, don't be the idiot whose girlfriend sends naked pictures, unless you want your girlfriend's ass pinned up in the DI hooch. Speaking of girls...if you have one, you need to think about what you think the future holds because it probably isn't going to be all that romantic. If you love her and she loves you then, by all means, write to her all the time while you're in, but, remember, there is NO WAY that she is ever going to miss you as much as you miss her, and that's probably not the best way two set up a healthy relationship. Nothing, and I really do mean NOTHING, screws more guys up worse then girls. I'm just sayin'. They're great, I have one I couldn't live without, but, I'm not in the suck anymore. Whatever you do, DO NOT be the kid who gets married right before you go to bootcamp. You will regret this for the rest of your life. I'm not kidding.
At some point, you're going to have to pick and MOS (military occupational specialty). This is your job. You really want to put some thought into this one as well. I know, most guy think infantry and if this is your thing, well...oo-rah devil dog. I was 03 (infantry) and would have had it know other way, but, you are definitely trading lifestyle for experience here. There are Grunts and there are Pogues, and once you get OUT, everybody likes to claim Grunt, but when you are in...Pogues live MUCH better. Pogues sometime have WM girlfriends in theatre-Grunts go batsh*t over flush toilets. If you are at all unsure, or aren't sure about what your recruiter is trying to sell you, go POGUE, com or motorT or something. If you decide that it isn't moto enough for you, you can always run a RECON or SCOUT SNIPER indoc and get knee deep in the business. If you go Grunt from the getgo, unless your a dbag and get FAP'd out, your stuck like chuck. Either way, give it some thought.
Good luck. Stay hydrated and change your socks. Semper Fi-
PS Don't get any ink in Jacksonville or Oceanside. There will be PLENTY of time for that at other duty stations and they don't have any trouble spotting a boot.
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