best athletic shoes for flat feet men image
I'm 5'5", 16, I weigh 113 pounds, and although I'm not strong or tone enough for ballet I am athletic. I want to excell quickly but I need an idea of how many classes to take, what other working out I should do, what stretching to do to become more flexible, and what nutrition plan I should have. Being ready for Pointe in a year would be ideal for me. Would I excell faster with private lessons? How much does it all cost? What to buy? Although, I have done research I Would like more perspective.
You cannot get en pointe in a year and if you have a teacher who will do that, run away from such poor teaching. You need about three years of three 90 minute classes a week to be ready. It may take more but most likely not less. Students aiming for a ballet career in ballet academies take 5 years of dancing every day before they go en pointe. The transition is almost seamless and in short time they are company ready. However as a recreational dancer you are not held to such a high standard before going en pointe. Not only do you need strong feet, ankles, legs and core along with balance, you need to be able to engage and hold your turnout without sickling. You also need strong ballet technique and there is no short cut to that. It is just repetition with a good teacher watching every move. Taking private lessons wont give you more time to have your muscle memory set but it will only make corrections a little easier. However, they are very expensive and really are better to correct a problem if you are having one. It would be better to spend your money on multiple ballet classes per week than on just a single private or 2 a week. You will advance quicker and get stronger with more group classes than just privates unless they were daily. Daily privates could cost between $240-$600 or more a week for multiple privates depending on the teacher and how many you take.
If you are trained by a teacher who wants to put you up too soon, you may not be able to get solidly on you box or engage and hold your turnout. That puts you at a major risk to snap your ankles. If you can get up but don't have enough technique, all you will be able to do is hobble about en pointe an look pretty bad. You wont look light and flowing like a professional ballet dancer. You must learn to do every first on flat before you go en pointe. Think of going en pointe like the icing on the cake. Your ballet technique would be the cake. Have you ever tried to ice a cake that wasn't fully cooked and cooled? You have a mess. When the cake is properly baked and cooled, the icing goes on like a breeze.
Find yourself a teen or teen/adult beginner ballet class. See if you have facility for ballet and like the training and discipline of the repetition involved. Then you can move to more advanced levels with more classes per week. You can start with 2 classes a week and gradually add more as you build stamina. Make sure your classes are at least an hour in length to start. That is okay for a beginner, but you really need longer classes as soon as you can handle them. Standard ballet classes are 90 minutes long.
Check to see if there is a dress code. If not, a black leotard and pink ballet tights are standard wear. You should also have your hair neatly in a bun. Regarding ballet slippers...I recommend full sole leather slipper for beginners. It works your arch more and that will help with future pointe work. Canvas split soles should be for more advanced dancers. Standard for girls is ballet pink slippers. Men where either the white or black ballet slippers. Check out Capezio Daisy or Bloch Dansoft for slippers, but any full sole slipper that fits and works for you is fine. Your shoes should feet snugly but not so snug that your toes curl under. They will stretch to form to your foot as you dance in them. Regarding nutrition, there is no magic wand here. Just eat healthily. There are no special foods that dancers eat.
You cannot get en pointe in a year and if you have a teacher who will do that, run away from such poor teaching. You need about three years of three 90 minute classes a week to be ready. It may take more but most likely not less. Students aiming for a ballet career in ballet academies take 5 years of dancing every day before they go en pointe. The transition is almost seamless and in short time they are company ready. However as a recreational dancer you are not held to such a high standard before going en pointe. Not only do you need strong feet, ankles, legs and core along with balance, you need to be able to engage and hold your turnout without sickling. You also need strong ballet technique and there is no short cut to that. It is just repetition with a good teacher watching every move. Taking private lessons wont give you more time to have your muscle memory set but it will only make corrections a little easier. However, they are very expensive and really are better to correct a problem if you are having one. It would be better to spend your money on multiple ballet classes per week than on just a single private or 2 a week. You will advance quicker and get stronger with more group classes than just privates unless they were daily. Daily privates could cost between $240-$600 or more a week for multiple privates depending on the teacher and how many you take.
If you are trained by a teacher who wants to put you up too soon, you may not be able to get solidly on you box or engage and hold your turnout. That puts you at a major risk to snap your ankles. If you can get up but don't have enough technique, all you will be able to do is hobble about en pointe an look pretty bad. You wont look light and flowing like a professional ballet dancer. You must learn to do every first on flat before you go en pointe. Think of going en pointe like the icing on the cake. Your ballet technique would be the cake. Have you ever tried to ice a cake that wasn't fully cooked and cooled? You have a mess. When the cake is properly baked and cooled, the icing goes on like a breeze.
Find yourself a teen or teen/adult beginner ballet class. See if you have facility for ballet and like the training and discipline of the repetition involved. Then you can move to more advanced levels with more classes per week. You can start with 2 classes a week and gradually add more as you build stamina. Make sure your classes are at least an hour in length to start. That is okay for a beginner, but you really need longer classes as soon as you can handle them. Standard ballet classes are 90 minutes long.
Check to see if there is a dress code. If not, a black leotard and pink ballet tights are standard wear. You should also have your hair neatly in a bun. Regarding ballet slippers...I recommend full sole leather slipper for beginners. It works your arch more and that will help with future pointe work. Canvas split soles should be for more advanced dancers. Standard for girls is ballet pink slippers. Men where either the white or black ballet slippers. Check out Capezio Daisy or Bloch Dansoft for slippers, but any full sole slipper that fits and works for you is fine. Your shoes should feet snugly but not so snug that your toes curl under. They will stretch to form to your foot as you dance in them. Regarding nutrition, there is no magic wand here. Just eat healthily. There are no special foods that dancers eat.
Is it weird I walk on my tip toes normally?
I'm a teenage male and I do this when i'm not wearing shoes, and it feels bad when I don't do this barefoot.
I've never worn high heels in my life and i've done this for as long as I can remember.
It feels normal to do this but i'm curious of just how normal it really is.
Also could this be something wrong with me?
It doesn't really mess with my posture, What I mean is I walk as if I were wearing high heels despite not.
Hi Heeee, You are not the only male I now know who does this. A friend of mines son walks the same way and has as long as I have known his Mom. She is dead now but her son is in his 30's and I know he was walking on his toes when he was 18 or 19 years old. He also took ballet, for strength, and the fact he liked to watch as well as dance ballet. He is very strong, athletic, as well as a bit eccentric. I have only seen him wear high heels once, for Halloween. He dressed up as the wicked witch for fun. I don't know how he stood wearing her heels... don't know how she did it either. I have only worn heals twice in my life and both times I could barely walk in them. I was and still am a tom boy. Even to the point that I prefer jeans to dresses, and military push ups to the girls version. I don't know too many women my age that can do military push ups either. I hadn't tried doing any since high school... back in the day when Dino's walked the Until recently when the guy who was dating me and said he loved me , dumped me for a younger rich His loss... my gain. I showed him I could do them...then he turns around and says I'll die before him. He's a year older than me. And has more medical problems than me...way more... So he really needs the girl to take care of him and pay for all his meds and other things he will want or need. He's bipolar and has squandered every dime he or his deceased wife ever made. So he needs her money more than her youth. And finding a "real man" won't be hard for me; money is not my concern though having enough to survive would be fine. Rich? eh not so much. Most rich people can't trust anyone to love them for them and not their money.The guy I was dating...his oldest son isn't speaking to him because his Dad told me he was in love with me then took off with this rich "child". His son remembers how depressed his Dad had been over the last 6 years since his wife died. He knew I saved his Dad from a fatal snake bite, stuck by him when he was hospitalized twice. I stayed by his side at night and cared for his sick Dad during the day. Tended wounds when he lost his footing on the front steps and cut up his head, arms and legs in the fall. His oldest son, his Dad's sister, her son, and a few others things he should be locked up for dumping me. According to them I have done more for him than even doctors could do for him. And they are angry at how he has done me shortly after saying he loved me enough for marriage. Now he thinks that if this youngster isn't the "One" he can come back and I will be waiting like a faithful dog. "WRONG!!!" I don't play games. I was in love with him. I never looked around for others to date one time. I don't believe in dating a dozen men at one time either. It just isn't in my genetic makeup; any more than running from bad situations are. He loved his wife, my friend...He was good to her; but I'm not her. She must have thought I was worthy of taking her place.. she told me lots about him.. I guess she didn't think he'd change from kind and sweet to cruel and heartless. Well...anyway.. walking on your toes isn't anything to worry about. The young man I told you about.... with dress shoes on? He walks flat footed. Only in comfortable shoes, socks or barefoot have I ever seen him walk on his toes/ball of his feet.
I decided to look this up and I was basically right it's nothing to worry about..
Toe Walking Definition by May Clinic Staff: Walking on the toes or the ball of the foot, also known as toe walking, is fairly common in children who are just beginning to walk. Most children outgrown toe walking. Kids who continue toe walking beyond the toddler years often do so out of habit. As long as your child is growing and developing normally, toe walking on its own is unlikely to be a cause of concern.
Toe walking is sometimes the result of cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or another genrealized disease of nerve and muscle. Children with autism also may walk on their toes or the balls of their feet, but many do not. So your OK....
Hope this helps you feel more comfortable about your walking on toes.
Hi Heeee, You are not the only male I now know who does this. A friend of mines son walks the same way and has as long as I have known his Mom. She is dead now but her son is in his 30's and I know he was walking on his toes when he was 18 or 19 years old. He also took ballet, for strength, and the fact he liked to watch as well as dance ballet. He is very strong, athletic, as well as a bit eccentric. I have only seen him wear high heels once, for Halloween. He dressed up as the wicked witch for fun. I don't know how he stood wearing her heels... don't know how she did it either. I have only worn heals twice in my life and both times I could barely walk in them. I was and still am a tom boy. Even to the point that I prefer jeans to dresses, and military push ups to the girls version. I don't know too many women my age that can do military push ups either. I hadn't tried doing any since high school... back in the day when Dino's walked the Until recently when the guy who was dating me and said he loved me , dumped me for a younger rich His loss... my gain. I showed him I could do them...then he turns around and says I'll die before him. He's a year older than me. And has more medical problems than me...way more... So he really needs the girl to take care of him and pay for all his meds and other things he will want or need. He's bipolar and has squandered every dime he or his deceased wife ever made. So he needs her money more than her youth. And finding a "real man" won't be hard for me; money is not my concern though having enough to survive would be fine. Rich? eh not so much. Most rich people can't trust anyone to love them for them and not their money.The guy I was dating...his oldest son isn't speaking to him because his Dad told me he was in love with me then took off with this rich "child". His son remembers how depressed his Dad had been over the last 6 years since his wife died. He knew I saved his Dad from a fatal snake bite, stuck by him when he was hospitalized twice. I stayed by his side at night and cared for his sick Dad during the day. Tended wounds when he lost his footing on the front steps and cut up his head, arms and legs in the fall. His oldest son, his Dad's sister, her son, and a few others things he should be locked up for dumping me. According to them I have done more for him than even doctors could do for him. And they are angry at how he has done me shortly after saying he loved me enough for marriage. Now he thinks that if this youngster isn't the "One" he can come back and I will be waiting like a faithful dog. "WRONG!!!" I don't play games. I was in love with him. I never looked around for others to date one time. I don't believe in dating a dozen men at one time either. It just isn't in my genetic makeup; any more than running from bad situations are. He loved his wife, my friend...He was good to her; but I'm not her. She must have thought I was worthy of taking her place.. she told me lots about him.. I guess she didn't think he'd change from kind and sweet to cruel and heartless. Well...anyway.. walking on your toes isn't anything to worry about. The young man I told you about.... with dress shoes on? He walks flat footed. Only in comfortable shoes, socks or barefoot have I ever seen him walk on his toes/ball of his feet.
I decided to look this up and I was basically right it's nothing to worry about..
Toe Walking Definition by May Clinic Staff: Walking on the toes or the ball of the foot, also known as toe walking, is fairly common in children who are just beginning to walk. Most children outgrown toe walking. Kids who continue toe walking beyond the toddler years often do so out of habit. As long as your child is growing and developing normally, toe walking on its own is unlikely to be a cause of concern.
Toe walking is sometimes the result of cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or another genrealized disease of nerve and muscle. Children with autism also may walk on their toes or the balls of their feet, but many do not. So your OK....
Hope this helps you feel more comfortable about your walking on toes.
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