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higher tax? bigger government? i don't get it.
Actually - EPA budget is 150% Vs 2008, 3 new Departments, since Bush yea bush and obama both the same.
The fact that the main liberal talking point is an out right lie when you actually look at the data provided by CBO, Dep. or labor and Census.
Statements like "This is the worst recession since the great depression" and "We inherited a much worse economy than we thought."
Both statements are false, in fact the opposite -
if you go to the Consumer price index, Dep labor and What ever Other agencies that track economic data.
FACT - 1982 Recession (end of jimmy Carter)
inflation 13%
un emp - 10% - real add unemployment + not in work force.
Poverty rate 21% -
Misery index highest since the Great depression.
Ronald Reagan won in a land slide taking 49 out of 50 states.
Obama took office - with
5% un emp - negative inflation to .50 very low, poverty rate 15 to 18 % cant remember - Clearly the 1982 recession was much worse for any president to take office to.
The results after R. R. -
After his first 2 years - had 5% GDP growth avg. cut inflation in half - reduced unemp- 4%
Forced to government shutdown, with 0 effect on the population,
after 8 years - 5% unemp - created 20 mil new jobs, increased the avg wages, reduced poverty by 3%,
fought the democratic control house every step of the way took no crap from congress, anyone in the political belt way.
his eights years netted and avg GDP growth of 5+ per year, the biggest economic boom in history,
Ronald reagan economic polices was not new in fact he based it off John F kennedy, the greatest and most loved us president and clearly anticommunist a right winger today lol.
After 2 years of obama - increased unemployment 5% - doubled the number of people who left the work force - meaning actual un-emp number are 13 to 16%
CPI forced to no longer count in its calculation - GAS/ energy or food - That means the current CPI at 3.% is grossly understated.
Decreased the value of the dollar 13% compared to other currencies.
Poverty is at record numbers, unemployment is at records number not since the great depression, Foreclosure rates are almost at great depression levels,
still job losses every month and the largest growth in the economy was the food sector- Yea obama,
CBO also reports that 30million people will lose their employer based health insurance in 2014,
Medicare trust the guy running the program is stated that is will be broke by 2016 - medicare is dieing and need fix now.
CBO also reports debt will equal 90% of GDP - by 2020 - over 150% by 2015 -
should i keep going why bother talking to liberal is is like talking to a brick wall. Duh i'm voting for obama, obama, yes we can, hope and change, yes we can, hope and change, obama, obama, drones, obama zombies,
my Shoes have higher I.Qs than most libs out their.
Cap and trade that the EPA is inacting - Will cause energy prices to sky rocket
If you read the first stimulus passed - it created the corperate jet tax deduction - that was new and created under obama, I think CBO calculated that to only cost 7 billion - good only 1.493 Trillion to go Good job Obama -
this statement is so true it is scary -- Why would he be a good one term president and a bad two term president, cause his pushing an agenda to insure he wont be elected lol
So please tell me why liberals always thinks taxing and spending works when their is 100 years of history that proves other wise also this class warfare is getting old i saw drops in high net worth by almost 20% - yea less rich people to tax good job obama.
yea keep drinking the cool aid, actually go to the government websites and research the info,
Oh yea btw - Most of the democratic leadership in the house and senate where able to increase their net worth bay 10 to 20% nanny palosi, i think had and increase of 65% How is voting for all those libs working out for yea, don't worry they will throw you the scape's left over after the picked use clean.
Actually - EPA budget is 150% Vs 2008, 3 new Departments, since Bush yea bush and obama both the same.
The fact that the main liberal talking point is an out right lie when you actually look at the data provided by CBO, Dep. or labor and Census.
Statements like "This is the worst recession since the great depression" and "We inherited a much worse economy than we thought."
Both statements are false, in fact the opposite -
if you go to the Consumer price index, Dep labor and What ever Other agencies that track economic data.
FACT - 1982 Recession (end of jimmy Carter)
inflation 13%
un emp - 10% - real add unemployment + not in work force.
Poverty rate 21% -
Misery index highest since the Great depression.
Ronald Reagan won in a land slide taking 49 out of 50 states.
Obama took office - with
5% un emp - negative inflation to .50 very low, poverty rate 15 to 18 % cant remember - Clearly the 1982 recession was much worse for any president to take office to.
The results after R. R. -
After his first 2 years - had 5% GDP growth avg. cut inflation in half - reduced unemp- 4%
Forced to government shutdown, with 0 effect on the population,
after 8 years - 5% unemp - created 20 mil new jobs, increased the avg wages, reduced poverty by 3%,
fought the democratic control house every step of the way took no crap from congress, anyone in the political belt way.
his eights years netted and avg GDP growth of 5+ per year, the biggest economic boom in history,
Ronald reagan economic polices was not new in fact he based it off John F kennedy, the greatest and most loved us president and clearly anticommunist a right winger today lol.
After 2 years of obama - increased unemployment 5% - doubled the number of people who left the work force - meaning actual un-emp number are 13 to 16%
CPI forced to no longer count in its calculation - GAS/ energy or food - That means the current CPI at 3.% is grossly understated.
Decreased the value of the dollar 13% compared to other currencies.
Poverty is at record numbers, unemployment is at records number not since the great depression, Foreclosure rates are almost at great depression levels,
still job losses every month and the largest growth in the economy was the food sector- Yea obama,
CBO also reports that 30million people will lose their employer based health insurance in 2014,
Medicare trust the guy running the program is stated that is will be broke by 2016 - medicare is dieing and need fix now.
CBO also reports debt will equal 90% of GDP - by 2020 - over 150% by 2015 -
should i keep going why bother talking to liberal is is like talking to a brick wall. Duh i'm voting for obama, obama, yes we can, hope and change, yes we can, hope and change, obama, obama, drones, obama zombies,
my Shoes have higher I.Qs than most libs out their.
Cap and trade that the EPA is inacting - Will cause energy prices to sky rocket
If you read the first stimulus passed - it created the corperate jet tax deduction - that was new and created under obama, I think CBO calculated that to only cost 7 billion - good only 1.493 Trillion to go Good job Obama -
this statement is so true it is scary -- Why would he be a good one term president and a bad two term president, cause his pushing an agenda to insure he wont be elected lol
So please tell me why liberals always thinks taxing and spending works when their is 100 years of history that proves other wise also this class warfare is getting old i saw drops in high net worth by almost 20% - yea less rich people to tax good job obama.
yea keep drinking the cool aid, actually go to the government websites and research the info,
Oh yea btw - Most of the democratic leadership in the house and senate where able to increase their net worth bay 10 to 20% nanny palosi, i think had and increase of 65% How is voting for all those libs working out for yea, don't worry they will throw you the scape's left over after the picked use clean.
How much will it cost me to get\own a horse ?
I live in Michigan and im planning in adopting a horse. I'm trying to save my money and I won't be getting it for at least 2 years. But my question is how much will it cost me a month and before I buy the horse. The boarding around where I live is between 150-300$. Thanks
My suggestion:
- lessons for 2-5+ more years (should still continue lessons when/if she gets her own horse)
- leasing a horse (if for some reason you cannot do it, or afford the horse you don't have to sell it, just return to the owner)
- after 4+ years of leasing then just CONSIDER buying your/her own horse
The purchase price is the least of your horses expenses in the long run. you might pay $1,000 to purchase your horse, but that is nothing to the amount of money you spend on the rest of the horses life. (even talking to a 4H/pony club leader will tell you anything under 10k isn't "expensive" in the horse world... however I have not spent more than 3k on a horse and have won plenty)
Horse expenses: (new horse cost)
- horse around $1200 (for a good broke first horse you are likely to pay a lot more, the horse should be a "steady eddie" and be more than {around} 12 years old - most first horses are 16-22 years old)
- tack upwards of $300 (generally the saddle alone is $300, NOT including bridle/headstall, bit, girth/cinch, saddle pads, saddle blankets, etc so really around $450 at least)
- new brushes $50+ (soft brush, hard brush, curry, hoof pick, shedding blade, etc.)
- buckets $20+ (water and feed/grain buckets - should have at least 2 of each)
- blankets; winter blanket $70+, sheet $50+, fly sheet $50+, rain sheet/light winter $60+
- fly mask $10+
total: (rounded up) around $1950 or more
Yearly cost: (assuming everything is highest price)
- boarding - upwards of $450 a month ($5,400 yearly)
- vaccines $20+
- horse shoes every 5-8 weeks $60-$140 (depends on where you are/the farrier you use - can add up to $1400 a year)
- getting teeth floated (horse dentist) $80-$160+ every 6 months
- hay (for good hay) I usually pay around $10 per bale, the average sized horse goes through 2.5-3 bales per week ($120 per month)
- grain (varies from where you live to what kind of grain, to the brand. to many options to post a price)
- supplements for grain $100+ yearly (but that is for many horses, some old, and some with medical issues)
- vet checks $100+
- that is all I can think of off the top of my head.
total: (based off the higher prices listed per item) around $8,550 or higher
Other Money:
- emergency vet fund should have AT LEAST $500 in it in case anything happens to your horse (in mine, I just add any extra money to it, so if/when something does happen I have enough to pay. or enough to pay down, and make a payment plan for the rest of the bill)
- You should have at least two months board at once (in case something happens, you have at least one months worth of extra board money to use while you get a new job or find new income)
Total: $800 or higher
together, the "new horse cost", the "yearly horse cost", and the "other money cost" are around $11,290 or HIGHER. and remember, horses DO break/ruin their stuff, you WILL need to replace things; horses CAN/WILL injure themselves
so at least $600 per month for just caring for the horse.
tip: do NOT buy tack before you have the horse! the chances of the tack you purchase (for a horse you don't have) actually fitting the horse are very, very slim. you can always give the idea to add a few hundred dollars to the purchase price and buy the tack the person had been using on the horse.
Good luck! I hope that in the end you get to lease/own a nice horse!
My suggestion:
- lessons for 2-5+ more years (should still continue lessons when/if she gets her own horse)
- leasing a horse (if for some reason you cannot do it, or afford the horse you don't have to sell it, just return to the owner)
- after 4+ years of leasing then just CONSIDER buying your/her own horse
The purchase price is the least of your horses expenses in the long run. you might pay $1,000 to purchase your horse, but that is nothing to the amount of money you spend on the rest of the horses life. (even talking to a 4H/pony club leader will tell you anything under 10k isn't "expensive" in the horse world... however I have not spent more than 3k on a horse and have won plenty)
Horse expenses: (new horse cost)
- horse around $1200 (for a good broke first horse you are likely to pay a lot more, the horse should be a "steady eddie" and be more than {around} 12 years old - most first horses are 16-22 years old)
- tack upwards of $300 (generally the saddle alone is $300, NOT including bridle/headstall, bit, girth/cinch, saddle pads, saddle blankets, etc so really around $450 at least)
- new brushes $50+ (soft brush, hard brush, curry, hoof pick, shedding blade, etc.)
- buckets $20+ (water and feed/grain buckets - should have at least 2 of each)
- blankets; winter blanket $70+, sheet $50+, fly sheet $50+, rain sheet/light winter $60+
- fly mask $10+
total: (rounded up) around $1950 or more
Yearly cost: (assuming everything is highest price)
- boarding - upwards of $450 a month ($5,400 yearly)
- vaccines $20+
- horse shoes every 5-8 weeks $60-$140 (depends on where you are/the farrier you use - can add up to $1400 a year)
- getting teeth floated (horse dentist) $80-$160+ every 6 months
- hay (for good hay) I usually pay around $10 per bale, the average sized horse goes through 2.5-3 bales per week ($120 per month)
- grain (varies from where you live to what kind of grain, to the brand. to many options to post a price)
- supplements for grain $100+ yearly (but that is for many horses, some old, and some with medical issues)
- vet checks $100+
- that is all I can think of off the top of my head.
total: (based off the higher prices listed per item) around $8,550 or higher
Other Money:
- emergency vet fund should have AT LEAST $500 in it in case anything happens to your horse (in mine, I just add any extra money to it, so if/when something does happen I have enough to pay. or enough to pay down, and make a payment plan for the rest of the bill)
- You should have at least two months board at once (in case something happens, you have at least one months worth of extra board money to use while you get a new job or find new income)
Total: $800 or higher
together, the "new horse cost", the "yearly horse cost", and the "other money cost" are around $11,290 or HIGHER. and remember, horses DO break/ruin their stuff, you WILL need to replace things; horses CAN/WILL injure themselves
so at least $600 per month for just caring for the horse.
tip: do NOT buy tack before you have the horse! the chances of the tack you purchase (for a horse you don't have) actually fitting the horse are very, very slim. you can always give the idea to add a few hundred dollars to the purchase price and buy the tack the person had been using on the horse.
Good luck! I hope that in the end you get to lease/own a nice horse!
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